The Masonic Imperative
(too old to reply)
Donald Heller
2011-03-22 02:22:49 UTC
"One of Masonry's open goals is "We help make good men better". "Know
thyself" is one aspect of becoming a better man."

I respectfully disagree. "becoming a better man" is one of the steps on the path to "know thyself".

The term "Know thyself" is the goal of every mystery school, and the goal of each of the standard paths, that of the fakir, the monk, and the yogi, and also of the fourth way of Gurdjieff. It is the mystical enlightenment. As the shaman Don Juan said, "After a lifelong struggle I know that what matters is not to learn a new description but to arrive at the totality of oneself".

The main virtue required of the knights of the round table to find the Holy Grail was a pure heart. Masonry teaches us to practice the four cardinal virtues, temperance, fortitude, temperance, and justice. Not just to memorize, but to practice. This is the path to a pure heart (a path with heart), and the way to avoid black magic.

Not many Masons put this into practice, and not many actually study the seven liberal arts and sciences or architecture or Greek philosophy. The esoteric path is not for everyone. We can at least try to inculcate the virtues, which is an important part of the path, no matter where we take it.

Just my opinion...
2011-03-22 21:13:36 UTC
"One of Masonry's open goals is "We help make good men better".  "Know
thyself" is one aspect of becoming a better man."
I respectfully disagree.  "becoming a better man" is one of the steps on the path to "know thyself".
The term "Know thyself" is the goal of every mystery school, and the goal of each of the standard paths, that of the fakir, the monk, and the yogi, and also of the fourth way of Gurdjieff.  It is the mystical enlightenment.  As the shaman Don Juan said, "After a lifelong struggle I know that what matters is not to learn a new description but to arrive at the totality of oneself".
The main virtue required of the knights of the round table to find the Holy Grail was a pure heart.  Masonry teaches us to practice the four cardinal virtues, temperance, fortitude, temperance, and justice.  Not just to memorize, but to practice.  This is the path to a pure heart (a path with heart), and the way to avoid black magic.
Not many Masons put this into practice, and not many actually study the seven liberal arts and sciences or architecture or Greek philosophy.  The esoteric path is not for everyone.  We can at least try to inculcate the virtues, which is an important part of the path, no matter where we take it.
Just my opinion...
Personally I prefer the way Bro. Steinmetz put it in Freemasonry: the
hidden meaning, when he stated, "Are not evil actions the culmination
of evil thoughts? Likewise, it is necessary to "think" good deeds,
acts of charity, kind services, ere they are effected; and thus it
follows that, noting a man's good deeds we call him good. The evil man
is called vile because of his evil actions. In each case is not the
man then RECOGNIZED to be what he THOUGHT himself to be? This is
direct working of impersonal law. The choice is entirely with man; the
Law works out the results - "as a man thinketh" - CAUSE - "so is he" -
resultant condition or EFFECT.

Let us further examine this statement that "as a man thinketh, so is
he." It appears that in one respect we have no choice; we cannot
change the Law of Creative Thought, but we can definitely control what
we shall be, for the answer to that is also in the statement. We shall
be what we THINK ourselves. Here we HAVE THE POWER OF CHOICE; we can
choose what we THINK ourselves to be, and by so doing control what we
shall be, even though we cannot control the law. You do not change the
law, you change the application. It is the same in the material world.
The iron ship floats by the same law by which the piece of iron sinks.
Again it is application." Chapter 6, Entered Apprentice.

In the above reference it is clear that man makes the choice to be
good or evil and he thinks either way before anything else. So
Freemasonry can only assist a good man become better by bettering his
thoughts. An evil man's thoughts cannot be made good.

Bill A.
NY Mason
Doug Freyburger
2011-03-22 21:13:54 UTC
The term "Know thyself" is the goal of every mystery school ...
Masonry includes a mystery school to any brother who choses to pursue
it. Few make that choice but it is available to any who chose it.
The esoteric path is not for everyone.
Exactly. It is for anyone in the sense that anyone can decide to pursue
it. It is not for everyone in the sense that few make that choice.
We can at least try to inculcate the virtues, which is an important
part of the path, no matter where we take it.
Family values are good whether you're a parent or not. Mystery values
are good whther you're a mystic or not. Citizenship values are good
whether you are a citizen or a subject. This same concept can be
repeated so many different ways.
