Grand Lodge Convention Coming Up - Illinois
(too old to reply)
2010-08-12 04:03:36 UTC
I have some other topics being sent my way for discussion for our
Grand Lodges session that I thought this group might be interested in
reviewing. Illinois Lodges have on occasion two Grand Lodge Programs
to get candidates through who aren’t right for the traditional method,
“Blue Lightening” or the Grand Master’s Festival.” The essential
difference is that while Blue Lightening Events are Local Lodge events
where up to fifteen candidates can get through their 2nd and 3rd
degrees, having as a requirement taken their 1sr degree previously,
Grand Master’s Festivals can have an unlimited number of candidates
taking all three degrees.
What I wasn’t aware of until another Brother pointed the fact out,
is the affect that the two events have on Grand Lodge income. Blue
Lightening Events contribute, after expenses, +$1621 to the Grand
Lodge budget. Grand Master Festivals produce an income of +$4291 for
the Grand Lodge.
Until our discussion, I also thought that the Grand Lodge Meeting
Expense was somewhere around <$28,000> for the Grand Lodge. I am
finding out that the number is more along the lines of <$60,560.> I
wonder if this number climbed recently or if I started out with wrong
information about the expense from the previous years.
That number does not include what lodges spend to send their
officers. Though we boast 70,000 memberships in Illinois only 48218
pay per capita income. The remaining 21,782 are either Life
Memberships or other privileged classes such as honorary or 50 year
members. So 80¢ of everyone's dues money is spent by the Grand Lodge
to host the show. If their lodge then pays another 1.33, figuring $200
per Officer in a Lodge of about 150 members, then $2.13 of everyone's
dues are being spent on this event alone.
Those numbers do not include such other expenses as mileage and per
diem etc. Once they are factored in the figure is more like $3.00 per
dues paying member.
What do we have to show our lodges from these events that justify
that expense? Should we work to continue and make them better for the
twenty-first century, or should we even consider doing away with Grand
Lodge Conventions all together?

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary – Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 – Crete, Illinois
PM – Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 – Lansing, Illinois
Doug Freyburger
2010-08-13 15:44:18 UTC
Post by Torence
I have some other topics being sent my way for discussion for our
Grand Lodges session that I thought this group might be interested in
reviewing. Illinois Lodges have on occasion two Grand Lodge Programs
to get candidates through who aren't right for the traditional method,
Having gone through the Scottish Rite degrees in the auditorium style,
and having seen that system work for so long none can remember a time of
individual degrees - I can not in fairness object to auditorium style
degrees in other orders. I have seen young brothers attend these events
whohad failed to show up at individual degrees.
Post by Torence
“Blue Lightening” or the Grand Master’s Festival.” The essential
difference is that while Blue Lightening Events are Local Lodge events
where up to fifteen candidates can get through their 2nd and 3rd
degrees, having as a requirement taken their 1sr degree previously,
Grand Master’s Festivals can have an unlimited number of candidates
taking all three degrees.
Note that in Illinois there have not been any "all the day in one day"
events in several years. Here they need to be sponsored by the GM and
two GMs in a row have declined to sponsor any. Our GMs usually serve
two year terms.

There was one day when several Blue Lightning events were all held on
the same day in several parts of the state. They were incorrectly
labelled GM Festivals - All of the candidates in attendence had aloread
had their 1st and sometimes 2nd degree in their own lodge.
Post by Torence
What I wasn’t aware of until another Brother pointed the fact out,
is the affect that the two events have on Grand Lodge income. Blue
Lightening Events contribute, after expenses, +$1621 to the Grand
Lodge budget. Grand Master Festivals produce an income of +$4291 for
the Grand Lodge.
Interesting - The degree fees go to the GL not to the lodge lodge.
Since the degree fees have not kept track with inflation they have
gradually declined from a lot of wages to more like a week of spending
Post by Torence
What do we have to show our lodges from these events that justify
that expense? Should we work to continue and make them better for the
twenty-first century, or should we even consider doing away with Grand
Lodge Conventions all together?
I tend to go without my mileage. I have donated it or not accepted it
over the years.
2010-08-13 15:44:29 UTC
Post by Torence
I have some other topics being sent my way for discussion for our
Grand Lodges session that I thought this group might be interested in
reviewing. Illinois Lodges have on occasion two Grand Lodge Programs
to get candidates through who aren’t right for the traditional method,
“Blue Lightening” or the Grand Master’s Festival.” The essential
difference is that while Blue Lightening Events are Local Lodge events
where up to fifteen candidates can get through their 2nd and 3rd
degrees, having as a requirement taken their 1sr degree previously,
Grand Master’s Festivals can have an unlimited number of candidates
taking all three degrees.
What I wasn’t aware of until another Brother pointed the fact out,
is the affect that the two events have on Grand Lodge income. Blue
Lightening Events contribute, after expenses, +$1621 to the Grand
Lodge budget. Grand Master Festivals produce an income of +$4291 for
the Grand Lodge.
Until our discussion, I also thought that the Grand Lodge Meeting
Expense was somewhere around <$28,000> for the Grand Lodge. I am
finding out that the number is more along the lines of <$60,560.> I
wonder if this number climbed recently or if I started out with wrong
information about the expense from the previous years.
That number does not include what lodges spend to send their
officers. Though we boast 70,000 memberships in Illinois only 48218
pay per capita income. The remaining 21,782 are either Life
Memberships or other privileged classes such as honorary or 50 year
members. So 80¢ of everyone's dues money is spent by the Grand Lodge
to host the show. If their lodge then pays another 1.33, figuring $200
per Officer in a Lodge of about 150 members, then $2.13 of everyone's
dues are being spent on this event alone.
Those numbers do not include such other expenses as mileage and per
diem etc. Once they are factored in the figure is more like $3.00 per
dues paying member.
What do we have to show our lodges from these events that justify
that expense? Should we work to continue and make them better for the
twenty-first century, or should we even consider doing away with Grand
Lodge Conventions all together?
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary – Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 – Crete, Illinois
PM – Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 – Lansing, Illinois
I'm not from Ilinois - What are the activities of:
Blue Lightening Events
Grand Master Festivals
Grand Lodge Conventions?

An essential part of each will be the fellowship and opportunities to
meet old and new friends

Hopefully some will have educational lessons, and ideas to take back
to individual lodges

Some may have public relations benefits

As a seperate issue, I presume there is a capital fund from which the
equivalent of dues money is drawn each year - it shouldbe possible to
find out how many are effectively paying dues.
Doug Freyburger
2010-08-13 17:18:48 UTC
Post by Torence
Blue Lightening Events
This seems to be an Illinois-only activity. It's a group conferal of
the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees both in the same day on
brothers who are already at least Entered Apprentices having been
Initiated in their own lodges.

In some cases they are popular because young brothers tend to not show
up for their scheduled degrees at their own lodges. I've seen that
happen on several occasions and the experience has greatly changed my
attitude towards group degrees. They are well attended.

In some cases they are popular because some lodges have trouble pulling
together an entire degree team. When that's true isn't that grounds for
objecting to the way the lodge is conducting its activities not for
doing group degrees.
Post by Torence
Grand Master Festivals
All three degrees in the same day for a group of candidates. I think
none have been done in Illinois for at least 3 years as the last two GMs
have disliked them.
Post by Torence
Grand Lodge Conventions?
Also called Annual Communication or just Grand Lodge stated meeting.
Post by Torence
An essential part of each will be the fellowship and opportunities to
meet old and new friends
Absolutely, especially at the state convention. There we can meet
brothers from all over the state who report what has been working or not
working for them.
Post by Torence
Hopefully some will have educational lessons, and ideas to take back
to individual lodges
It's hard to fit that in during a group event conferring more than one
degree in the same day. At the state convention I tend to like the
eductional meetings the best.
Post by Torence
As a seperate issue, I presume there is a capital fund from which the
equivalent of dues money is drawn each year - it shouldbe possible to
find out how many are effectively paying dues.
In Illinois the life membership fund is maintained as a large trust fund
run by GL. The interest income goes first to pay the Per Capita part of
the dues. What's left over goes to the lodges. Of course this is the
opposite priority compared to what many members expect - The times of
low interest income tend to be the times when local lodges need the
money the most.
2010-08-14 16:58:37 UTC
Post by R***@hotmail.com
As a seperate issue, I presume there is a capital fund from which the
equivalent of dues money is drawn each year - it shouldbe possible to
find out how many are effectively paying dues.
Doug beat me to the punch in answering your questions. Illinois
boasts 70,000+ memberships. Last year 48,218 paid dues. The balance,
around 22,000, are either Honorary, Life, 50 year, or Active Military
members who are privileged to not pay dues. It has been suggested to
add Peace Officers (the Police) and Clergy to that list. A debate was
had whether or not such a notion would also include Correctional
Officers and other deputies of the state; and, if it would be
requisite to draft a list of recognized religions. So, that
conversation has not gone so far as to reach the floor.

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
