Doug Freyburger
2009-11-08 16:49:47 UTC
Does your jurisdiction have a standardized award to honor a brother who
has made a well above average contribution to the lodge and/or to
Masonry in general, but who for one reason or another never went through
the line? For brothers who did go through the line there the title of
Past Master. For brothers who are not members but who regularly attend
and help out some jurisdictions offer honorary membership.
I would like to know if your juridicion has an award of this sort like
the red hat at Scottish Rite.
California has a Hiram Award for this. Some juridictions have such an
award; some don't.
The men who have been given this award are the backbone of the lodge,
the mentors to be emulated.
Does your jurisdiction have a standardized award to honor a brother who
has made a well above average contribution to the lodge and/or to
Masonry in general, but who for one reason or another never went through
the line? For brothers who did go through the line there the title of
Past Master. For brothers who are not members but who regularly attend
and help out some jurisdictions offer honorary membership.
I would like to know if your juridicion has an award of this sort like
the red hat at Scottish Rite.
California has a Hiram Award for this. Some juridictions have such an
award; some don't.
The men who have been given this award are the backbone of the lodge,
the mentors to be emulated.