Post by EddyJust to hear your thoughts while you read it; any comment? anything
intriguing please post it
I bought it, I've just finished reading it, and I loved it. It was
outstanding, and I regretted deeply when it ended - NOT because it was
a bad ending, but because there was no more to read.
The book is highly complimentary to the Masons. Brown obviously has
a deep respect for our Order, and has stated that the only reason he
has not become a Mason himself is because, once taking the
Obligations, he feels he would not have been able to write about it as
freely as he did.
Having said that, he did not write anything that a Mason could not
have written.
There are a few errors in his depiction of the ritual - understandable
and forgiveable from one who is not, himself, a Mason; and his plot
does go off into LaLaLand when talking about the holders of the 33rd
Degree of the Scottish Rite - but never in a bad way.
This book will be a delightful surprise to Masons. I read it, I
enjoyed it, I recommend it.
Jack Hickey, PM