It's also easy to see the historical judgement of men who are now history and not get
that living men need to become history before they get judged as historical.
Paraphrasing Ecclesiastes, however, the Chapters before the Sublime
Degree reading, the Preacher says Vanity of Vanities, All is Vanity.
Ancient Craft FreeMasonry provides us with the universal language of
emblems, and the broken pillar is a reminder that whatever a man may
construct on Earth vanishes. Nearest to forever is only that which
TSAOTU creates.
Unless an Officer or Rank and File Members efforts register for
the greater good today, what a future historian will make of the work
is of little consequence.
Consider that Masonry undergoes swings in popularity that last 80-100 years and we
are now about 10 years past a low web in that cycle*
* This trend is clear in the history of US jurisdictions. I've seen the data for New
Hampshire, am currently digging out the data for Illinois, have read articles from
several US GLs that show it's true there as well.
IMHO, making the effort to calculate global and jurisdictional
statistics regarding applicant and degree graduates, produces numbers
useful only to the Grand Lines that need to collect per capita. As
long as Ancient Craft FreeMasonry lives in the hearts of as few as two
men, the fraternity is as equally viable and can contribute to the
greater good as when millions populate the roles.
The Grand Lodge authored membership efforts that I have examined,
if they were to bring Local Lodges any candidates at all, introduces
men into the fraternity who seem interested in taking more out, than
putting in. The Local Lodges have a proven method of interesting
suitable material into lodges that come into the experience prepared
to become full and lawful candidates for whatever degree they aspire.
I suggest polling the lodges represented here as to how, honestly,
new men are welcomed into their individual lodges and listing the
source. For my Lodge, candidates are usually brought in by Family
Members, (Curiously mostly Uncles and Nephews rather than
Grandfathers, Fathers and Sons) and Co-Workers who earn a living as
Operating Engineers and Light Construction Contractors.
Decade to decade more and more of the planet is under democracy.
Not true, my learned Worshipful Brother Freyburger, decade to
decade, more men in this world have grown up Communist; and Masonry is
unlikely to alter that trend any time soon. Tomorrow morning there
will be more Socialist babies brought into the world than any who are
destined to live in any sort of democracy. The situation is just as
well for us, IMHO, as FreeMasonry would not flourish in a democracy.
Our club can be seen to be strongest in Free Republics, like our own.
Is there a way to foster the growth of democracy and religious freedom and tolerance in
the developing world without making it political?
Can Masonry do the beauty pageant thing and be a beacon for world
peace? The notion is not so far fetched and several times in our
history here in Illinois Grand Orators have called for just that
purpose for FreeMasonry. Personally, I do not see the concept as
political; but rather a good influence particularly on our Grand Line
Officers to keep any political perspectives that they may possess,
their own.
1) I think "liberty, equality, and fraternity" is a noble goal that could be made to reach
the rest of the world in the next century. Is there a way Masonry
could encourage that
without it becoming political?
Yes, by affirming Freedom as a fundamental Masonic Principle.
Particularly important is to define what aspects of life our club
should support other kinds of men to maintain in a free state. We have
inherited four essential freedoms that Masonry has been particularly
good about fostering, at least in the literature. They are neatly
defined as Freedom for Religion, Freedom for Speech, Freedom from Want
and Freedom from Fear. But, we must be ever vigilant and never lapse
into allowing ourselves to be defined by men who do not share the same
passionate love of these four essential facets for living to be kept
free. Are there other components for twenty-first century living that
we should include on this Freedom list? Is Freedom to choose your
occupation such any area to discuss. We are, after all, Masters and
not Slaves.
In the US a century ago Masonry saw the need for public schools paid for by taxes and
pursued that as a goal.
Masonry, in many states, has been replaced by the State run Lottery
for that support. What a disturbing result. Masonry teaches that true
wealth can only come from work.
As the trend now is to Go Green, perhaps FreeMasonry should
promote Freedom to Travel as a unique Twenty-first Century take on the
theme. Society at Large would benefit from a cleaner, more timely and
Free Transit System. Staring small, Local Lodges could Adopt Bus
Shelters, clean and/or buy new buses, recognize non-Mason bus and
train operators etc. Masonry, therefore, should also stand for Open
Borders. Justice demands that the Freedom to Travel should be
available to all who can afford to do so, and not the priviledge of
any particular kind of man.
What's the next philosophical advancement in civilization? How to bring the benefits
of previous advancements to the rest of the world? These are the external and internal
questions for our own culture to ponder and to figure out how to act upon.
Twenty-first Century Masons, act like heroes.
Torence Evans Ake
Senior Deacon Auburn park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
PM Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 Lansing, Illinois