Post by Alan SchwartzPost by Doug FreyburgerI've been doing talks for Masonic education lately and so far I have not
used any visual aides. I'd like to build a slide show with examples of
the five orders of architecture.
There are many public domain or creative commons licensed images
in Wikimedia Commons that are worth looking at for columns.
Bro Alan,
Thanks. I spent a few minutes with Google and I found a lot for
drawings that show all five orders in the same photo.
What I have in mind is more of a travelogue. If possible even by doing
a driving tour of downtown Chicago or other locations here in Illinois.
A slide of a building that is built in the Tuscan style and a comment
on where I can find it and some local history that involves it. Then a
slide of a building that is built in the Doric style and a comment on
where I can find it and some local history that involves it. And so on
down the line of the five orders.
When I looked at the photos I found using Google I could tell at a
glance that they weren't int he style mentioned in the text quote by
Google related to the image. Very high failure rate.
On the other hand Google did point me to some wiki's that have very good
articles about the details of the various orders. I knew I'd seen
columns with and without flutes in various photos but I'd never noticed
that when flutes are present on a column the number of ridges around the
circle is a specific number. I knew some columns were thicker than
others but I'd never learned that the orders have specific ratios of
height to thinkness.
So I'll keep my eye out for buildings of specific styles and get pix of
them and build up a presentation.
Post by Alan Schwartz(I took photos of Robert Reid's murals of the 5 human senses
on the ceiling of the Library of Congress last year, but I haven't
had a chance to do anything with them. If they came out well,
I'll upload them to wikimedia too)
Should be super cool.