New Lodges
(too old to reply)
2010-09-04 14:17:54 UTC
In 2003, Illinois chartered a new lodge (Men in Brotherhood Lodge No.
1178) but prior to that a good seventy years passed without any new
lodges being created. Since then we have had no new lodges being
formed. How many jurisidctions represented here regularly form and
charter new lodges?

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
Frank Harris
2010-09-05 03:02:25 UTC
In 2009 Minnesota chartered two new Lodges after a gap of more than
twenty years. Sir Winston Churchill Lodge 351 is an affinity Lodge,
modeled after the British tradition, that is learning the Emulation
Ritual to demonstrate to Minnesota Lodges. General Douglas MacArthur
Lodge 352 is oriented towards the military. Both new Lodges are doing
very well thank you. SWC Lodge 351 plans to host a delegation from
Internet Lodge 9659 (UGLE) in May 2011 that will demonstrate the MM
Degree using the Emulation Ritual for interested Master Masons.
Sincerely and Fraternally
Frank Harris
Secretary, Sir Winston Churchill Lodge 351 in Minneapolis,
PM Cataract Lodge 2 in Minneapolis (1965) and
Photo Steward of Internet Lodge 9659 (UGLE) in Manchester, UK.
Post by Torence
In 2003, Illinois chartered a new lodge (Men in Brotherhood Lodge No.
1178) but prior to that a good seventy years passed without any new
lodges being created. Since then we have had no new lodges being
formed. How many jurisidctions represented here regularly form and
charter new lodges?
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
2010-09-05 22:50:35 UTC
Seem to me that Minnesota is not only at work forming new lodges; but
is opening the doors to allow a variety of formats to their work.
Both initiatives will prove the right course for our American Lodges
for this century.

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
Frank Harris
2010-09-07 04:08:54 UTC
Sir Winston Churchill Lodge 351 in Minneapolis may only use the
Emulation ritual for demonstrations at this time. We hope to eventually
convince our Grand Lodge to allow us to raise candidates using the
Emulation Ritual. We know of only two lodges in the US that are
presently doing so.
Frank Harris,
Secretary -Sir Winston Churchill Lodge 351- Minneapolis,MN.
PM- Cataract Lodge 2- Minneapolis,MN.
Photo Steward - Internet Lodge 9659 (UGLE) - Manchester, UK.
Post by Torence
Seem to me that Minnesota is not only at work forming new lodges; but
is opening the doors to allow a variety of formats to their work.
Both initiatives will prove the right course for our American Lodges
for this century.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
2010-09-08 17:16:58 UTC
It was not that long ago in Illinois that each lodge held exclusive
jurisdiction over the available material that surrounded the lodge. As
late as the 1970s, a profane man could not petition just any lodge, he
was expected to petition the closest lodge to where he lived, “The
better to verify his qualifications.” If a man lived in the North
Suburbs but wanted to petition a lodge in the South suburbs where his
friends attended lodge, that South Suburb lodge had to request a
waiver of jurisdiction before proceeding with his degrees just as we
still do with petitions state to state.
If there is not enough interest in Masonic Officership where the
lodges are at, shouldn’t we be requiring lodges to relocate to where
fresh material is at hand?
Bricks and Mortar do not make a Masonic lodge.

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary – Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 – Crete, Illinois
PM – Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 – Lansing, Illinois
2010-09-05 03:02:37 UTC
Two Hundred Ninety three years ago, a handful of lodges got together
and following the tradition of the Operative Craft organized a “Grand”
Lodge. For their purposes, they selected two tasks. The first was to
put on the annual feast; and the second was to secure for themselves a
Royal to serve as Grand Master.
Since then there have been many Grand Lodge Organizations organized
in different times and places for a variety of reasons. They seem to
come into and go out of existence nearly as frequently as the Local
Lodges wax and wane away. When they cease to fulfill a purpose, they
either transform themselves or evaporate.
Our current Grand Lodge organizations, it seems, do not have a clear
direction. Many are giving up the Large Charities that sustained them
for previous generations; and, it is unclear what will motivate them
for this century. I propose that a mandate is needed from the lodges
and that order should be for them to promulgate the Craft.
That means forming new lodges particularly in those places that the
previous generations abandoned and comprised of the material that is
now available there. If any are not up to the task, then we have as a
Craft a decision to make about them.
What do you think? Is this project a reasonable expectation of them;
or is there another more suitable for us to pursue?

Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
Stuart H.
2010-09-09 13:16:14 UTC
Post by Torence
In 2003, Illinois chartered a new lodge (Men in Brotherhood Lodge No.
1178) but prior to that a good seventy years passed without any new
lodges being created. Since then we have had no new lodges being
formed. How many jurisidctions represented here regularly form and
charter new lodges?
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
The Grand Lodge of Alberta consecrated two new Lodges in two days in
August 2009. They are Portage Lodge No. 200 in Lac La Biche, and Aurora
Borealis No. 201 in Fort MacMurray.

Stuart H.
PM and Treasurer - Baseline Lodge #198, Spruce Grove, Alberta

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