Post by Doug FreyburgerI like to see it as a Trestleboard.
Not a bad idea; and a valid point. The Grand Masters Program is
generally known only so far as the Master and his Principle Officers,
and perhaps the poor overworked Secretary. No member ever gets told of
its components, except as an after thought (as in hey that thing we
did last week gets us another point) neither do they get to bask in
much glory should the lodge win. The Award is geared to credit the
Officers and gives only lip service to the membership.
I think the condition exists because the generations that tend to
constitute our Grand Lines are becoming further removed from the
Master Mason Officers who are more and more the sort of man that is
also employable outside the fraternity. At the risk of over
simplifying I would say that in their working day, these Grand Line
Officers were more likely to rely on the instructions of their
superiors to know what to do, whereas todays working age man is more
prone to work either independently or as part of a team; but with more
decision making and prioritizing done by themselves.
Post by Doug Freyburger. It's much the same compromise as the citizens in a republic -
As long as the legislature writes good law and policy the citizens
thrive in their independence.
Freemasons, like the citizens of any country, will get only the
sort of government that they deserve. Americans get the government
that they deserve as do the Brits, just as the citizens of
Afghanistan, North Korea, etc. will get the sort of government that
they deserve. Our job as members of our FreeMasonic Republic is to
understand our Grand Lodge government, its predilections and
inclinations; and then employ it. Because recent and current
administrations misconstrue usage and the law, what was good law
for previous generations has been altered into a capricious thing.
The Law that will govern Lodges is more of the de facto sort rather
than any written composition because their members have as much
control on it as it does on them. That condition is only right for us
at least for the time being.
Before we can take that step, the one that will offer the most
good in government with the least evil, we must first agree on a
purpose. Then we can choose for our century the form of FreeMasonic
government that is most likely to achieve it.
Torence Evans Ake
Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
PM Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 Lansing, Illinois