Has this NG gone dark?
(too old to reply)
Stuart H.
2010-05-22 17:48:55 UTC
No traffic for days. Where have all the Brothers gone?
Rob Sandilands
2010-05-22 20:44:56 UTC
Post by Stuart H.
No traffic for days. Where have all the Brothers gone?
...ssshhhhh ... the PMs have nodded off again ...
2010-05-22 21:48:37 UTC
No traffic for days. ï¿œWhere have all the Brothers gone?
Meetings, rehearsals, degrees and having fun playing with the anti's
at alt.freemasonry. In addition, we had our annual Grand Lodge Session
on May 3rd & 4th. Elected a new GM and line of officers, now all we
have to do is wait until June 6th so we can put it in the NY Times
Newspaper (that is an inside joke to all of the oldtimers here).

George K.
Dr.Zaroc Stone
2010-05-22 21:48:59 UTC
Post by Stuart H.
No traffic for days. Where have all the Brothers gone?
They joined the Knights of Pythias
2010-05-24 15:41:32 UTC
Post by Dr.Zaroc Stone
Post by Stuart H.
No traffic for days. Where have all the Brothers gone?
They joined the Knights of Pythias
Does that mean we are all just Pything away our days ??
BES (in Calgary)
Save our precious CO2 - plant many trees

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
not dark. Just no traffic at this time.
Cal Christie
2010-05-25 00:36:28 UTC
Post by Dr.Zaroc Stone
Post by Stuart H.
No traffic for days. Where have all the Brothers gone?
They joined the Knights of Pythias

Brethren, speaking of the Knights of Pythias:

A number of years ago I had occasion to write to the Supreme Lodge,
Knights of Pythias, with the following question:

"During his holidays, one of our members came across an item in a
museum in O'Leary, Prince Edward Island, which I believe has a
connection with the Knights of Pythias.

It is similar to a Shriner Fez but is black in colour and has the
lettering "Tidabora 259" and an emblem with letters "DOKK".

Can you enlighten us?"

I received the following reply from the Supreme Secretary:

"Dear Cal:

DOKK stands for Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, an auxiliary of
the Knights of Pythias. The relationship to the Knights of Pythias is
similar in nature as the Shriners are to the Masons. It is our
so-called "fun" group but they do a tremendous amount of charitable
work for humanity, including a scholarship program and a medical
equipment supply program. One has to be a Knight before he can become a Dokie.

The local Temple probably was called "Tidabora 259". I say probably
because the DOKK has its own administration structure and this office
is not familiar with the location of all the DOKK Temples."

So there is some interesting non-masonic trivia for you about a
fraternal group that was very well known at one time. I say that
because of a story written by humourist Stephen Leacock who wrote
many short stories in the early decades of the 20th century.

His tale "The Marine Excursion of The Knights of Pythias" may tickle
your funny-bone.

S. and f.,
Cal Christie - Wyndham 688 GRC
