Tom Accuosti
2009-08-21 05:18:41 UTC
I just got an email informing me about the moderation status of SOF. Is
this new, or have I just not been paying attention?
You probably know that SBC Yahoo dropped Usenet access a few months ago.
I just finally got around to setting up an account with
Eternal-September / Motzarella. I'm using Gmail instead of my old SBC
email address, so perhaps I long ago filtered the moderation messages,
and am only getting new ones because it's a different account.
BTW, I saw that the other day you had an introductory note from a Raum
Sariel of Lodge Napoleon. Raum is the nom-de-month of Brad Cofield, who
left his mainstream GL and started a quasi-Mephis-Misraim chapter, and
after some disagreements with Mainstream Masons elsewhere, has now
started this internet only lodge.
Brad is generally okay, but some of the SOF regulars might have an issue
with some of his perspectives on Masonry in general. Unfortunately, he
has had, in the past, problems in maintaining his temper when questioned
on his affiliations.
There's no good way to pass along this kind of information, certainly
not without sounding like I'm expecting trouble, which I'm hoping won't
happen. It's just that Brad is pretty well known around web groups and
blogs, so I thought I would just pass this on - you can do with this
information as you will.
Tom Accuosti
Exalted Keeper of the Secrets of Freemasonarianism
Grand Sovereign Pontiff and Secret Enquisitor
Ambassador to Zeta-Reticula
Crop Circle Planning & Zoning Commissioner
Aluminum Foil Beanie Fitting and Training Consultant
Team Osiris Obelisk Siting and Surveying
Manager, Dulces/Denver Airport Massage & Day Spa
Cydonia Vacation Resort Concierge
P.M., Friendship #33.3 AM & FM
Area 51, Atlantis
this new, or have I just not been paying attention?
You probably know that SBC Yahoo dropped Usenet access a few months ago.
I just finally got around to setting up an account with
Eternal-September / Motzarella. I'm using Gmail instead of my old SBC
email address, so perhaps I long ago filtered the moderation messages,
and am only getting new ones because it's a different account.
BTW, I saw that the other day you had an introductory note from a Raum
Sariel of Lodge Napoleon. Raum is the nom-de-month of Brad Cofield, who
left his mainstream GL and started a quasi-Mephis-Misraim chapter, and
after some disagreements with Mainstream Masons elsewhere, has now
started this internet only lodge.
Brad is generally okay, but some of the SOF regulars might have an issue
with some of his perspectives on Masonry in general. Unfortunately, he
has had, in the past, problems in maintaining his temper when questioned
on his affiliations.
There's no good way to pass along this kind of information, certainly
not without sounding like I'm expecting trouble, which I'm hoping won't
happen. It's just that Brad is pretty well known around web groups and
blogs, so I thought I would just pass this on - you can do with this
information as you will.
Tom Accuosti
Exalted Keeper of the Secrets of Freemasonarianism
Grand Sovereign Pontiff and Secret Enquisitor
Ambassador to Zeta-Reticula
Crop Circle Planning & Zoning Commissioner
Aluminum Foil Beanie Fitting and Training Consultant
Team Osiris Obelisk Siting and Surveying
Manager, Dulces/Denver Airport Massage & Day Spa
Cydonia Vacation Resort Concierge
P.M., Friendship #33.3 AM & FM
Area 51, Atlantis