2009-12-13 14:45:38 UTC
In Masonry, direction to the membership often arrives by The Way of
the West. It is a phrase that appeals to us Americans, particularly
us fans of the movie western, as it works well for us adding dimension
to simple instruction. If the East represents progress and a new
beginning, and the West the culmination of knowledge, then by the time
that tuition reaches the general membership it should symbolize the
teamwork and the alpha and omega of Principle Officer thought.
Somewhere around 1730, the words Wisdom, Strength and Beauty were
attributed to the officers in Masonic Lodges. I have not ascertained
whether or not this was an English invention or one from our side of
the big pond. The Wisdom to invent, the Strength to sustain and the
Beauty to communicate well are attributes that should be emulated by
every man who stands for these roles. At work, in business, such a
triad of partners would achieve just about any goal.
What does the phrase The Way of the West mean to you? Has it an
application outside our little club?
Torence Evans Ake
Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
the West. It is a phrase that appeals to us Americans, particularly
us fans of the movie western, as it works well for us adding dimension
to simple instruction. If the East represents progress and a new
beginning, and the West the culmination of knowledge, then by the time
that tuition reaches the general membership it should symbolize the
teamwork and the alpha and omega of Principle Officer thought.
Somewhere around 1730, the words Wisdom, Strength and Beauty were
attributed to the officers in Masonic Lodges. I have not ascertained
whether or not this was an English invention or one from our side of
the big pond. The Wisdom to invent, the Strength to sustain and the
Beauty to communicate well are attributes that should be emulated by
every man who stands for these roles. At work, in business, such a
triad of partners would achieve just about any goal.
What does the phrase The Way of the West mean to you? Has it an
application outside our little club?
Torence Evans Ake
Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois