2011-04-30 03:24:07 UTC
Last night, Our Grand Lodge Officers and the Principle Officers etc. of the Northeastern Area gathered together for an enjoyable and informative Town Hall Meeting in Joliet. It was a good evening, the sort of get together that will prove to do one thing for us, gather together and then strengthen the links that ultimately unite us. With the use of this new tool, these THMs, Our Grand Master has accomplished the first objective of Our Masonic society. He and his ensemble of Managers have successfully educated the Craft that we are made up of just that
Us. And, it is up to Us to decide what it is that we will do together.
The new feature of our revised website to open up this forum is designed to spark new interest; and accolades are due to the Brothers who have developed and are at work each day maintaining it. Our quick and brevet annual Grand Lodge session is the poorest of forums with which to accomplish our necessary work; and any fresh approaches are best hashed out somewhere else ahead of time with an equal voice given to every Mason who contributes his time and resources as we will have it here.
The Truth about our alliance is that no matter what our individual roles are in this Society, we are always traveling together and upon the Level. Every man here has shared the experience of candidate dress, a costume that proved to only be capable of being acquired in a singular and mutual fashion, one leg at time (with remarkably varying intervals between each leg).
In our group last night at the THM, an interesting promise was solicited and received of our current and scheduled line of succession. R.W. Brother Jethroe Smith asked that each of them commit to maintaining the Illinois work as it has been given to us, i.e. the Standard Work; and each replied that He would do his part to do so.
Though R.W. Smith and I have been the best of Masonic friends for the longest of time (he was my coach when I went through the degree process in 1985), I do not concur with his viewpointthat adhering to the provisions of Code 368 is the healthiest condition for our Craft.
This thread is about Participation. And, IMHO, modern participation is has suffered by the impositions of past generations, many of whom sought for themselves a monopoly on the work, even in death. It is usually a surprise to most Illinois Masons to discover that much of the old work has been reformatted to suit the sensibilities of others who are no longer among us; and yet somehow they miraculously continue to dictate to us the Terms of Our Masonic Service.
The old thinking was, for example, that as Masonry is not a religion as such it would be improper for our Masonic Leadership to assume the role of dictating to the Craft how it is that an individual Mason must pray. And, to affirm this old policy, we used to have for us, before M.W. Brother Delmar Darrahs revisions in 1914, a variety of prayers from which a Chaplain could choose to Open the Lodge. Here is one of the old alternatives:
Most Holy and Glorious Lord God, the Great Architect of the Universe; the Giver of All Good Gifts and Graces: Thou hast promised that where two or three are gathered in Thy Name, Thou wilt be in their midst and Bless them. In Thy Name we have assembled, and in Thy Name we desire to proceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime principles of FreeMasonry may so subdue every discordant passion within us, so harmonize and enrich our hearts with Thine own Love and Goodness, that the Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen.
I suggest that Exhibitionary Lodges be devised, Lodges which may incorporate into their shows some of this old work, and also open up the possibility to do Occasional Work from foreign jurisdictions, Emulation Ritual, or other alternatives to the Standard or Ordinary work. What fun could we have by turning for one another new phrases and changing up the show a bit? If the notion of doing so interests you, please express it. If such a change offends you, please explain for us, here, why.
Thank you for your patience on such a long read.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
HM Triluminar Lodge No. 767 Lansing, Illinois
PM Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 Lansing, Illinois
The new feature of our revised website to open up this forum is designed to spark new interest; and accolades are due to the Brothers who have developed and are at work each day maintaining it. Our quick and brevet annual Grand Lodge session is the poorest of forums with which to accomplish our necessary work; and any fresh approaches are best hashed out somewhere else ahead of time with an equal voice given to every Mason who contributes his time and resources as we will have it here.
The Truth about our alliance is that no matter what our individual roles are in this Society, we are always traveling together and upon the Level. Every man here has shared the experience of candidate dress, a costume that proved to only be capable of being acquired in a singular and mutual fashion, one leg at time (with remarkably varying intervals between each leg).
In our group last night at the THM, an interesting promise was solicited and received of our current and scheduled line of succession. R.W. Brother Jethroe Smith asked that each of them commit to maintaining the Illinois work as it has been given to us, i.e. the Standard Work; and each replied that He would do his part to do so.
Though R.W. Smith and I have been the best of Masonic friends for the longest of time (he was my coach when I went through the degree process in 1985), I do not concur with his viewpointthat adhering to the provisions of Code 368 is the healthiest condition for our Craft.
This thread is about Participation. And, IMHO, modern participation is has suffered by the impositions of past generations, many of whom sought for themselves a monopoly on the work, even in death. It is usually a surprise to most Illinois Masons to discover that much of the old work has been reformatted to suit the sensibilities of others who are no longer among us; and yet somehow they miraculously continue to dictate to us the Terms of Our Masonic Service.
The old thinking was, for example, that as Masonry is not a religion as such it would be improper for our Masonic Leadership to assume the role of dictating to the Craft how it is that an individual Mason must pray. And, to affirm this old policy, we used to have for us, before M.W. Brother Delmar Darrahs revisions in 1914, a variety of prayers from which a Chaplain could choose to Open the Lodge. Here is one of the old alternatives:
Most Holy and Glorious Lord God, the Great Architect of the Universe; the Giver of All Good Gifts and Graces: Thou hast promised that where two or three are gathered in Thy Name, Thou wilt be in their midst and Bless them. In Thy Name we have assembled, and in Thy Name we desire to proceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime principles of FreeMasonry may so subdue every discordant passion within us, so harmonize and enrich our hearts with Thine own Love and Goodness, that the Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen.
I suggest that Exhibitionary Lodges be devised, Lodges which may incorporate into their shows some of this old work, and also open up the possibility to do Occasional Work from foreign jurisdictions, Emulation Ritual, or other alternatives to the Standard or Ordinary work. What fun could we have by turning for one another new phrases and changing up the show a bit? If the notion of doing so interests you, please express it. If such a change offends you, please explain for us, here, why.
Thank you for your patience on such a long read.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
HM Triluminar Lodge No. 767 Lansing, Illinois
PM Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 Lansing, Illinois