EA Degree Short Form
(too old to reply)
2010-04-24 23:39:23 UTC
Worthy Brother - You mentioned a Short Form of the EA degree. Could
you please elaborate on this? What jurisdiction are you in? Do all
lodges in your jurisdiction use a short form? What does the short
form consist of? Thanks.
David Foster
Doug Freyburger
2010-04-27 21:53:18 UTC
Post by David
Worthy Brother - You mentioned a Short Form of the EA degree. Could
you please elaborate on this? What jurisdiction are you in? Do all
lodges in your jurisdiction use a short form? What does the short
form consist of?
I know of a short form for the proficiencies needed before the FC degree
can be conferred. Is that what you mean? There are jurisdictions that
require significant memorization between degrees and jurisdictions that
have requirements of other types with no memorization needed.

During the degree Illinois has a long and short lecture when the
lambskin apron is first presented to the new brother. California has
long and short versions of at least one of the lectures.

In California I learned the long and short forms of the closing
ceremonies but that could happen during any type of meeting not just a
degree conferal.

I've read about opening, conferring and closing with names like short,
long, ample and full forms. A lot of variation exists in ritual.
Rob Sandilands
2010-04-27 22:40:10 UTC
Post by Doug Freyburger
Post by David
Worthy Brother - You mentioned a Short Form of the EA degree. Could
you please elaborate on this? What jurisdiction are you in? Do all
lodges in your jurisdiction use a short form? What does the short
form consist of?
I know of a short form for the proficiencies needed before the FC degree
can be conferred. Is that what you mean? There are jurisdictions that
require significant memorization between degrees and jurisdictions that
have requirements of other types with no memorization needed.
During the degree Illinois has a long and short lecture when the
lambskin apron is first presented to the new brother. California has
long and short versions of at least one of the lectures.
In California I learned the long and short forms of the closing
ceremonies but that could happen during any type of meeting not just a
degree conferal.
I've read about opening, conferring and closing with names like short,
long, ample and full forms. A lot of variation exists in ritual.
... over here, there are short forms for closing the Lodge in the
various degrees at an Installation ... except for the EA degree which is
the main working degree ...

... some time ago, though, our GL ruled that the EA tracing board,
originally part of the first degree, had to be done on a separate night
to the initiation ...

... but as far as the degree itself goes ... no ...
2010-04-28 17:04:02 UTC
Post by Doug Freyburger
Worthy Brother - You mentioned a Short Form of the EA degree.  Could
you please elaborate on this?  What jurisdiction are you in?  Do all
lodges in your jurisdiction use a short form?  What does the short
form consist of?
I know of a short form for the proficiencies needed before the FC degree
can be conferred.  Is that what you mean?  There are jurisdictions that
require significant memorization between degrees and jurisdictions that
have requirements of other types with no memorization needed.
During the degree Illinois has a long and short lecture when the
lambskin apron is first presented to the new brother.  California has
long and short versions of at least one of the lectures.
In California I learned the long and short forms of the closing
ceremonies but that could happen during any type of meeting not just a
degree conferal.
I've read about opening, conferring and closing with names like short,
long, ample and full forms.  A lot of variation exists in ritual.
No. I was referring to a post made by WorthyBrother in a thread
called "Need Graphics For EA Degree" when he said:

"Hi. Our lodge has been giving the short form of the first degree, but
like to start giving the long form. I need graphics to create a slide
to accompany the degree. If you have graphics, please post, or if you
where I can find them, please let me know. Thanks."
