2010-06-04 14:49:10 UTC
Hello Brothers-
Here is a suggested resolution that I have not quite made my mind up
on. Though it may be right (or something similar to it, worded
differently) and timing for its introduction here correct; but not
necessarily elsewhere, I was wondering how helpful or hurtful adopting
such a resolution by a Grand Lodge body would be. What are your
That the territorial limits that a Grand Lodge claims to be exclusive
is the State, Province, Territory or Federal District defined for it
by the civil authority. That there can only be one recognized Grand
Lodge within that State, Province, Territory or Federal District
empowered to elect and appoint Grand Lodge Officers, form, dissolve
and recognize existing Local Lodges, and govern the affairs
appertaining to the work of the three principle degrees of
FreeMasonry, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. That
there is no need for and cannot be additional administrations within
that State, Province, Territory or Federal District and so there
cannot be degrees of recognition for additional Masonic governments.
Partial acknowledgments being an abomination to Masonry, competing
Grand Lodges then must either fully unite or sever any existing
relationship that does not meet these qualifications.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois
Here is a suggested resolution that I have not quite made my mind up
on. Though it may be right (or something similar to it, worded
differently) and timing for its introduction here correct; but not
necessarily elsewhere, I was wondering how helpful or hurtful adopting
such a resolution by a Grand Lodge body would be. What are your
That the territorial limits that a Grand Lodge claims to be exclusive
is the State, Province, Territory or Federal District defined for it
by the civil authority. That there can only be one recognized Grand
Lodge within that State, Province, Territory or Federal District
empowered to elect and appoint Grand Lodge Officers, form, dissolve
and recognize existing Local Lodges, and govern the affairs
appertaining to the work of the three principle degrees of
FreeMasonry, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. That
there is no need for and cannot be additional administrations within
that State, Province, Territory or Federal District and so there
cannot be degrees of recognition for additional Masonic governments.
Partial acknowledgments being an abomination to Masonry, competing
Grand Lodges then must either fully unite or sever any existing
relationship that does not meet these qualifications.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary - Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 - Crete, Illinois
PM - Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 - Lansing, Illinois