Doug Freyburger
2009-10-28 21:03:03 UTC
Is anyone willing to post the results of the legislation that was voted
on in California GL a few weeks ago? My California lodge included brief
summaries in last month's trestleboard.
08-08 Change the way life membership funds are handled.
That one interests me. This month my Shrine voted to make it mandatory
to withdraw the interest each year (long term result - the fund drops
with inflation). This year Illinois GL pushed changes to our life
membership fund to a vote next year.
08-09 More of the candidate fees go to the George Washingto Masonic
09-01 New award for spouses
09-02 Simpler financial reporting
I remember the annual audit being pretty easy. I gathered all fo the
monthly treasurer's reports then looked at the most recent statements
from the banks. I made sure the bank statements agreed to the ten
dollar digits. Then I watched the accountants discuss the cents digit.
09-03 Bigger GL committee on investments
Economic down times happen in cycles. Folks want to react to the
current situation. As much as I try to take the long term view, how
often do I actually manage to pull that off?
09-04 New rules for NPD
09-05 Something about unused dues
09-06 Agenda change at Research Lodge
And the GL should care abut RL why?
09-07 A brother can serve as Secretary of more than one lodge
This came up when I was in the line in California in the 1990s, Someone
must really want it top propose it every decade. Won't the brother
explode from the workload?
09-08 Gives Secretary a GL vote (bringing count of votes per lodge from
4 to 5). Gives Inspector a GL vote (called DDGM in most jurisdictions
this increases the number of non-lodge votes and thus increases the
power of the grand line)
This is the other one that interests me. The Secretary known more about
the business of the lodge and how the lodge and grand lodge interact
than any other member in both of my lodges. I figure that's pretty
common. But many Secretaries don't want to attend GL. Interesting in
how it would give more influence to the faction among Secretaries who do
want to attend GL.
09-09 Allows bingo
Unless California state law changed significantly since i moved out this
would cause lodges to be considered businesses in California. We'd go
from being more like the Boy Scouts (who can exclude atheists and girls)
because their only sources of funding are donations, to more like the
Girl Scouts (who have to admit atheists and boys) because they sell
cookies and thus are businesses. California laws are rather strict in
how they draw the line between businesses and private clubs.
09-10 Expands permitted fund raising by Shrine Centers
Given the very strict California laws I mentioned above this one should
be quite technical as well.
on in California GL a few weeks ago? My California lodge included brief
summaries in last month's trestleboard.
08-08 Change the way life membership funds are handled.
That one interests me. This month my Shrine voted to make it mandatory
to withdraw the interest each year (long term result - the fund drops
with inflation). This year Illinois GL pushed changes to our life
membership fund to a vote next year.
08-09 More of the candidate fees go to the George Washingto Masonic
09-01 New award for spouses
09-02 Simpler financial reporting
I remember the annual audit being pretty easy. I gathered all fo the
monthly treasurer's reports then looked at the most recent statements
from the banks. I made sure the bank statements agreed to the ten
dollar digits. Then I watched the accountants discuss the cents digit.
09-03 Bigger GL committee on investments
Economic down times happen in cycles. Folks want to react to the
current situation. As much as I try to take the long term view, how
often do I actually manage to pull that off?
09-04 New rules for NPD
09-05 Something about unused dues
09-06 Agenda change at Research Lodge
And the GL should care abut RL why?
09-07 A brother can serve as Secretary of more than one lodge
This came up when I was in the line in California in the 1990s, Someone
must really want it top propose it every decade. Won't the brother
explode from the workload?
09-08 Gives Secretary a GL vote (bringing count of votes per lodge from
4 to 5). Gives Inspector a GL vote (called DDGM in most jurisdictions
this increases the number of non-lodge votes and thus increases the
power of the grand line)
This is the other one that interests me. The Secretary known more about
the business of the lodge and how the lodge and grand lodge interact
than any other member in both of my lodges. I figure that's pretty
common. But many Secretaries don't want to attend GL. Interesting in
how it would give more influence to the faction among Secretaries who do
want to attend GL.
09-09 Allows bingo
Unless California state law changed significantly since i moved out this
would cause lodges to be considered businesses in California. We'd go
from being more like the Boy Scouts (who can exclude atheists and girls)
because their only sources of funding are donations, to more like the
Girl Scouts (who have to admit atheists and boys) because they sell
cookies and thus are businesses. California laws are rather strict in
how they draw the line between businesses and private clubs.
09-10 Expands permitted fund raising by Shrine Centers
Given the very strict California laws I mentioned above this one should
be quite technical as well.