In Illinois, a "consensus opinion" of the Past Grand Masters
selects the next Grand Officer who is an ambitious individual willing
to perpetuate their design. In the twentieth century, The Board of
Grand Examiners exceeded their original mandate and grew to act as a
College for Grand Line Officers. A sense that there is something wrong
with the process is had when out of a role of 70,000 memberships we
have only a singular choice for office; and then only once every other
year. Something can also be said to the affect that something has
sullied the office Grand Master when from that membership of 70,000 we
can only find one man willing to stand for it.
The representatives of the constituent lodges then dutifully go
through the motions and give their choice the veneer of democratic
I have a few more active years involved here then Alan or Doug;
and, we have had choice on occasion. But the choice never came from
the field; but out of a division between groups of Past Grand Masters.
We have an uncommon number of living Past Grand Masters at the moment
and our last scuffle from 2003 & 2004 has seemed to get them to better
work, better agree, or retire.
If your Grand Lodge Library has copies of our proceedings, then read
through, for example, 1985, 1989, especially 1992 & 2003. For an
organization that prohibits electioneering, we have been known to out-
do the Chicago City Counsel in drama; and I admit that I have had
something to do with upsetting that particular apple cart from time to
The improvement would be to suggest a name for Junior Grand Warden
who has never had anything to do with the Board of Grand Examiners.
That recommendation is not stated as any reflection on this particular
board; but to correct the process. Our ForeBrothers knew the trouble
with the Board at its inception following the Overseers of the Work
and Conservators Association trouble in the late nineteenth century.
We were promised then, that the Board would not ever be what it
The correction would be to suggest a name of someone who has never
been anything but an active Officer of our constituent lodges. Also,
the best candidate for both Progress and Good Order, will have had
nothing to do with the Rites other than, say, carry a dues card. I
would accept an alternating choice, one from the field as I have
described, and one from the Board, to affect the transition. I am not
warm to the notion of any Grand Lodge Officer being suggested who was
high this or that from the Rites. Perhaps if the right man came along
from that back ground, I would set aside this prejudice. But, I would
have to study him hard.
We need no Grand Line Officer who has designs; but keeps them to
himself thinking that when he is Grand Master he will then make
changes. The thing to do is to suggest the Brother whose inclinations
are well known; and who has worked to make alterations before agreeing
to put himself on the path to the Grand East.
Our current Grand Line is the best that I have seen elected in my
Masonic lifetime; and they have shown the strength of character that
is in and of itself, refreshing. I have high hopes for when they
graduate that they will go to promote a genuine fraternity, Rightful
both in its design and its actions.
Torence Evans Ake
Secretary Auburn Park Lodge No. 789 Crete, Illinois
PM Arcadia Lodge No. 1138 Lansing, Illinois